Working as a Student in London


Student in London

As the ‘student season’ starts every fall, countless talented students are looking for work in this great city of London. There are always part-time jobs available and businesses everywhere have tapped into the student population for a cheap workforce. Contact us to learn more about relocation london

When students attend University, they come from all works of life studying any number of things. The student population is far more sophisticated than those students of two generations ago. They are sure of themselves and carry a confidence with them that was less known in generations prior.

One that thing that does change however are the questions on every student’s mind.

Where is the nearest pub?

Where can I go out for night?

How do I get groceries?

Where is the nearest museum?

How do I find the library?

All very reasonable questions for a student in a big city. But all answers are very accessible to most everyone nowadays. It’s called the Internet. Only the biggest source of information on the planet. But the questions that are harder to answer that students have is how can I find part-time work?

While students are attending university, they need money to support themselves. So, what are the best sources for those types of jobs? Fear not, we are here to help.

Yes, this may seem trivial, but students need their money above all, especially in modern-day London. This means that the time has come for us to shed some light on the answer.

Uni Matters

Are foreign students able to get part-time jobs in London? The short answer is it depends on the university chosen.

This is the official stance on it. A student will only be allowed to work in the UK if his or her university is listed in both the list of ‘recognized awarding bodies’ and the official UKVI Sponsor list.

Unfortunately, if the university of choice is not on the list or only on one of the lists then unfortunately, those students will be denied the opportunity to work in the U.K.

There are also additional limitations such as:

  • Students are only allowed to work less than 20 hours a week
  • Students are allowed to work full-time during holidays

One bright spot to all this is the fact that students from EU member countries have no restrictions it is only those from outside EU that have to abide by these additional conditions.


Life After Graduation

While finding a job part-time or not following graduation is a bit less challenging than while attending school it still requires a bit of strategy and preparation. Why, you ask? Well, because there are five different types of work visas. Which one is the right one? It all depends on the individual’s goals.

  • Tier 5 Youth Mobility: Residents of specific countries can apply for a work permit that is valid for two years. This is the simplest options but only applies to a certain number of nationalities. Applicants should check if their nationality is listed.
  • Tier 5 Temporary Worker: This is merely a simple Visa that allows an individual to work in the UK for a period of twenty-four months.
  • Tier 4 Visa AKA Student Visa: This particular Visa is designated for those students who are finishing their Ph.D. in a higher institution of learning and allows them to remain in the UK and work for up to a year.
  • Tier 2 Visa: This is by far the most common Visa for graduates and allows them to work in the UK but requires that they make at least 20,800 pounds a year to qualify.
  • Tier 1 Visa: This is the type of Visa entrepreneurs need. This is for those individuals who are developing a custom business instead of working for someone else of another company. This does require university sponsorship to qualify.

What’s The Next Step?

Being allowed to work in the UK is not the same as having a good job. We understand. So, where to look. How do I find good jobs paying a good wage?

There are several online resources that students can rely upon:

  • This is one of the biggest websites for young professionals in all of Europe. The website offers a lot of options for graduates, interns, and part-time job seekers.
  • This is a nice resource with a simple interface with lots of employment opportunities.
  • Unicorn Hunt, F6S, and AngelList: These are great for tech-savvy jobs.
  • Facebook: Join local communities and follow brands. They often post job offers straight on their social media pages.


Let The Hunt Begin

The hunt is indeed the stage where most students lack the most experience. They haven’t been out on the market looking for all that long and lack interviewing experience as well as CV or resume writing experience.

As for the CV or resume design. Keep it simple. It doesn’t have to be bright, creative, or flashy. While some students might think offering a unique touch will get them ahead of their competition in fact it will do the opposite.

Why, you ask?

Think about it.

Potential employers are looking through hundreds of resumes each and every day and have established routines on how they perform these duties. For instance, if they are looking through work experience and are used to finding it below personal details and it isn’t there because a student wanted to make it a unique layout, this will throw off their system. This will impact their feeling toward a particular resume in a negative way and more than likely cause them to not even consider the applicant.

While that addresses the CV and resume, we now need to talk about the applicants looks. No, not your nose or your chin, unfortunately your parents have cursed you with those. No, I’m talking about how you dress. You are coming for a job interview on someone else’s turf. They are not interested in how you’ve managed to weave your lint collection into braids or that you have a necklace with a vial of toenail clippings you wear around your neck. While those things make you unique—and likely deranged—please leave them at home. We are not asking applicants to rent a tux or wear a monocle but applicants should consider smart-casual their lane and avoid straying from said lane.

Make sure to follow up after the interview and maintain contact until the position is filled.

Happy Hunting!

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