London Job Relocation: Tips

by | Nov 4, 2019 | Professionals

how to create a successful london job relocation

Successful London Job Relocation

A lot of time and turmoil is spent deciding to move abroad for a job in a new city where you don’t know a soul.  But once you’ve made that decision, and you have that perfect new job in London worth relocating for, it starts to hit you all the things that need doing for you to up and change your entire life.  Everyone knows that moving is likened to a life event that creates stress in ways that at first, could be significant.  But, a London job relocation can be far easier when you carefully plan before the move. Contact us to learn more about london flat to rent

While London Relocation is happy to make certain that you’ll find your dream apartment rental in London

there are, in addition, many things in your life that will change significantly.  Part of what can be stressful in your move is that not only do you need to find a new home (which we will provide you with a choice of the 25 ideal locations) you also have to become acquainted with your new environment.  You’ll have a new job to master and need to build a new network of support for yourself, and doing all these things at once can be overwhelming.

Even if you’re completely thrilled with the new London job relocation, there are the personal sides of your life that the new job doesn’t address.  Moving is still complicated and stressful, but it helps to take the attitude of an adventure, for living in London is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for most people, with over a half-million migrating to the city for work every year.

So it’s a given that doing all you can to be successful at all these things at once might make you grateful that your London job relocation is everything you’ve wanted and more.  One of the biggest challenges that relocations have is selling their current home.


Whether that’s in the US, Canada, or Australia, that might be your first order of business.  Unless you intend to leave your home in your absence, selling it before you go only adds to the must-do list before you can move.  No one wants to be in a position of being obligated to mortgage and apartment rentals in London.  Further, if your spouse will be accompanying you, their London job relocation isn’t certain, and finding work may take them some months to secure.  Because of all these common issues, focusing 100% on your new job can seem impossible when you’re inundated with all the logistics an overseas move entails.

As much as you want to give a good first impression with your new colleagues, everything else in your life will be unfamiliar and new, so it can feel like working double-time to make it all work.  So there’s something that you can do to help make a successful transition on your London job relocation.

Stay very organized

While it may sound trite, keeping to-do lists associated with your move to London and your responsibilities in tying up things back home can help you not only leave nothing out but can help you feel that you have a good handle on things before you go.

Know what’s available to you

Having signed on to a new position often means a new employer.  Even if it’s your same employer, find out what relocation services that the company will reimburse you for. Some firms will cover the costs associated with finding a new home, assistance with selling your current home, or moving companies to do you’re packing for you.  On more than one occasion, we have had employers pay our service fee on behalf of their employees.   Many companies will pay for the transportation of your vehicles; however, it’s not very convenient to have a car in London.  The cost of renting someplace to store the car can supersede the value of having a vehicle in the city.  If you do feel you need your vehicle, be sure to let us know so we can begin the garage search for you alongside your rental needs.

If your employer doesn’t offer relocation assistance, ask them for it

Any amount an employer gives is up for negotiation; relocation expense is a standard among professional-level executives and is often part of a package.  Even if you have already made your deal, the expenses add up quickly once you add the price of an overseas move.  Don’t be afraid to return to your employer once you have all your estimates.  Tell them the cost is significantly higher than you expected and see if they are willing to cooperate.  A detailed outline of all your expenses can be paramount to getting a financial contribution.

If possible, take some time to know your new environment before moving.

However, you may not have that luxury when coming for a London job relocation.  Take the time to read all you can about the different areas of London where you may want to go.  If you do no know where to start, try starting with our area pages describing the many different neighborhoods.  If you still feel you haven’t an idea where you want to end up, try listing all the things that your lifestyle entails.  Think of your current memberships and activities and share that list with us.  This gives us a much better idea of precisely what your needs are.

Don’t make any long-term commitments.

Most people with London job relocation don’t entertain entering the London real estate market.  Certainly, if your position is long-standing, there will be time to consider buying, but it’s not a good idea initially.  It takes a bit of getting used to learning how to move about London, making such a huge financial commitment.  You may find that there is one place you like above all others, but until you’ve lived here in London a while you won’t know that.  It’s best to put buying on the back burner. The same can be said for long-term lease agreements.  We generally like to put people into a place for no more than one year.  The rental market here in London offers London apartments for rent with pricing by the week, so most landlords will not issue a tenancy agreement for longer than 12 months.

Find out if any of the cost of your moving expenses are tax-deductible by your government

It’s important to check with an accountant or other professionals, but in many cases, the bulk of your moving costs can be when you’re involved in a London job relocation.  In the United States, the IRS Tax Topic is item number 455, which details which expenses qualify.  Naturally, you’ll need to consult your country’s laws regarding taxes.  But using the U.S. as an example, if you are to be eligible for moving tax deductions, you must be moving because of a new job; your new domicile must be a minimum of 50 miles from your old home or job (so folks don’t move around the block for a tax break). You must work full-time for at least 39 weeks of the previous 52 weeks following your move.

Spend time (or have your spouse spend time) building a social network for support before you move

If you use your friends to network to make new friends as you would look for a job. You can establish connections before you go.  Some services can help in this endeavor; MeetUP will help you find others in the area where you can connect over similar interests or hobbies.  Also, see if the new job has social clubs or interest groups where you can meet new people.  The other thing you can do when you finally undergo your London job relocation is to frequent pubs that cater to an ex-pat crowd.

London is full of small, intimate clubs, pubs, and bars, and many have a strong contingency of national followers.  One thing is for certain, that the faster you can build up your social support network. The move at home you will feel and the happier you will be with the decision you made that led you to take the London job relocation.

Keep In Mind That Your Relocation To London Requires the Right Mindset


Your experience in London, whether positive or negative, will be influenced by your personal expectations and attitude. It may be a negative influence if you continually compare London to home. And to make references about how you do things “back at home” is not likely to gain such a positive response from those at work or with new friends. Be prepared to try new things and experience things slightly differently. If you’re dealing with homesickness, it might be a great idea to contact one of the groups holding regular meetings for Americans moving to London.

Try as much as possible to get involved in your neighborhood and local community. If you have a family and children attending a local school. Get involved with school activities, and you’ll soon have hordes of British kids trooping through your new home to teach you what life in London is all about. You don’t have to throw off your roots and culture when you cross the border. But for the first few months at least, set yourself the goal of learning one thing about living in London. Or experiencing one new aspect of life abroad each day.

It’s not so much about being able to make a success of your relocation.But about being open to a new lifestyle, new friends and new experiences.

There Is Also American Style Baseball in London

One thing that exists in London and that could help with homesickness and is as American as can be… Baseball. While you might not immediately associate it with London, rest assured that you’ll be able to enjoy a ballgame, even in the UK.

While you’re more likely to look at cricket as England’s bat and ball game of choice. You’ll be surprised to find that the UK has a long history of baseball. The game was brought to England in 1890 by an Englishman, Francis Ley. He had found out about ‘the baseball’ while on a trip to America. While obviously not as popular here as it is in the States. It has still managed to pick up a following. England even holds the distinction of beating the United States and winning the first World Cup of Baseball in 1938.

Today, you’ll still be able to grab your mitt, ball, and bat and head down to the pitch for a game. Right now, there are more than 40 baseball teams based all over the UK. While it might not be as easy to find as a cricket game. Google it, and you’ll probably be pointed in the right direction. You can visit the website of the British Baseball Federation to find a club near your area. (The London Mets in Finsbury Park are a popular choice.)

How Much Does It Cost To Move To London?

The real cost of relocation. Hundreds of thousands of people move to London each year. Nearly 200,000 from around the world and slightly more than that from across Britain. So whether it’s from just down the road or from across the ocean. With so many people moving to London each year. Is it any wonder that finding a flat to rent is challenging?

When deciding to move to London, you need to factor in a lot more than just rent. Answering the question, “How much does it cost to move to London?”, has to be divided into three distinct areas:

Property and Rental Costs

Once you’ve taken a look at the different rental prices in different areas across London. You’ll have to factor in the rental deposit that you have to pay.  Which is usually 6 – 8 weeks’ worth of rent, your first month’s rent upfront. And nearly always, an agency fee to the estate agent. Of course, London Relocation services save you money on the agency property fee. As well as negotiating a lease that is strictly in your favor. But if you do choose to go direct to an agent, just be aware of the additional costs involved.

If you’re relocating to London from the US. You’ll also have to find somewhere to live while you flat hunt. Remember, there is no MLS in London. You’ll have to arrange viewings with each agent separately. This can be days, or even weeks, if you’re lucky.

That issue is also solved when you use London Relocation. We get it done in one day – up to 25 properties.

Moving Costs – The Physical Move

Removal costs, storage, and insurance can cost up to £10,000 or more. Factor in pet relocation costs, and additional expenses for children, and your moving costs start to mount up. Visas may also be a considerable cost. And should be factored in as part of the overall cost of moving to London from abroad.

Living in London

It’s an expensive city. No doubt about it. With the average London rental being upwards of £1,500 per month. You still have to factor in the cost of utilities, council tax (every month), TV license. Yes, even if you watch TV on your laptop, and your personal living expenses. You should also take a look at some low-cost insurance policies for household contents. Even if you’re only in London for a year or two, it’s well worth the small additional cost. How much does it cost to move to London? Quite a lot, but it’s worth it!

About London Relocation

At London Relocation, our team of ex-pats and experts have over 40 years of combined experience. This enables us to find the perfect flat house or apartment for your workforce. Saving you time, hassle, and, most importantly, money.

Our record speaks for itself we place one hundred percent of our clients ninety-eight percent in just a single day. We make the very most of the time we have with you. How? by showing 18 to 25 properties in a single day minimizing disruption to your work schedule. Focusing our full attention on you and your staff’s individual requirements.

Starting the process with a personalized needs assessment for each individual. We then find a range of suitable properties. All the while educating on London’s areas and housing markets to help you and your employees pick the perfect properties. has developed a network of trusted agencies across London. But we work solely for you and your workforce to protect your interests. We are, in fact, the only real Multiple Listing system in London. Therefore, the only way to truly exhaust the market. Our service is all-inclusive. So that means we handle the contract negotiations and signings. To allow you to concentrate on what you do best. We know how to manage your expectations.

Just check out our client testimonial, and our service is guaranteed. So speak to one of our team and see what we can do for you and your business. London relocation the property search company.

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