Here’s Why You Never Pick A Flat To Rent Online

by | Oct 27, 2018 | ABOUT LIVING IN LONDON

heres why you never pick a flat to rent online

Relocation is a serious step to make. There are many things to do, countless possibilities to consider, etc. It may even seem like you have too much on your plate. Contact us to learn more about london flat to rent

It is only human to simplify things as much as possible. Take checking out a rental property, for example. Why book tickets, fly to London, and waste a couple of days walking from property to property to simply find out the stuff already available online?

I mean, it is 2018, after all. The world is interconnected. You can do all of the necessary research from the comfort of your couch.

Or can you?

Well, you can. In theory. And if you aren’t scared of being utterly disappointed with the results. There are only so many things that the photos of a property or even a video call on Skype can show you.

If you wish to feel at home while living in London, here are the most important reasons to check out the flats in person.

The areas have a vibe

London is awesome. It is diverse, multicultural, and cosmopolitan. It is the capital’s greatest strength in the eyes of many expats. And it can be its biggest difference.

We are all people. We are all different. You may not like the same things the next guy fancies. And that would be fine in any other place globally, but not in London.

Every area of a city has a certain vibe, a theme even. There are hipster blocks, finance worker blocks, punk rocker blocks, etc.

You name it, and there will be an area in London that digs it.

While you may not…

Sure the flat will look great on paper (or should I say on the screen of your device?), but the exterior, the people, and the neighbors might not be the kind of folk you fancy hanging around with.

London is ancient

The capital is a city with an age-old history. Yes, it undeniably is cool to walk the same streets as the ancient Romans or adore the architecture that inspired the likes of Dickins, Orwell, Eliot, and Woolf.

But then you’d have to consider that this very architecture stood here then as it is now.

We have a lot of buildings in London, especially in the city center, that can be dated back to the 1800s. Sure, there was a lot of maintenance and renovation work done, especially to the facades, but a house that is 250+ years old is still a house that is 250+ years old.

Don’t get this wrong. A lot of these buildings make for amazing homes even today. If not for anything else, their location alone is worth the rent. But there are still some drawbacks. There might be issues with isolation, bad wiring, aged furniture, etc.

You won’t see that stuff that can make for quite a hefty sum for additional maintenance expenses on the photos.

You are locked into a single option.

Online stuff is not yours until you commit. In simpler words, you will be required to sign a contract in one way or the other in advance. You will be legally bound to a property you have never seen, with petty chances of walking out of the deal without wasting money.

And what if you don’t like the flat, the landlord, or the neighbors once you’ve moved in? Or, maybe you are offered a better deal you won’t be able to take?

Sucks, doesn’t it?


The internet is not the safest place in the world. The World Wide Web is filled with scoundrels hunting for your money. It is possible that the photos shown to you online are fake, and the real place is a cardboard box under a bridge in some slums.

Or there might not even be a box to begin with.

Why gamble with your chances, then? Take the trip to London, enjoy the sightseeing, get a better feel for the city, and find the property you’ll fall in love with. Make sure that you feel at home rather than scammed.

Don’t worry about your time either. Finding the perfect flat in London won’t take longer than a day. That’s a promise!

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