London Sunday Barbecue Secrets

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Corrina Pinsent

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London Sunday Barbecue

Summer is just another word for barbecue and despite the weather; you may be able to have a few barbecues after your relocation. You will have to plan your outdoor activities slightly more carefully when you’re moving to London, and it has nothing to do with the weather. Effective relocation london strategies involve detailed planning and local expertise.

If you’re addicted to an outdoor lifestyle and love entertaining outside a barbecue then you should ask your relocation agents to find you a flat that has roof access or perhaps even a small communal garden. These sorts of lifestyle issues are important when you’re planning an international relocation so give it a bit of thought. Discovering what is important to you is a vital part of finding the perfect apartment and the more information you give your relocation agents, the better result you will have.

The reason why it may be important to have an apartment with a balcony or a roof garden is because it is illegal to barbecue in many of the parks here. You can picnic for sure, but setting up a barbecue and grilling a couple of steaks are definitely against the rules, in all of the Royal Parks in central London as well as Battersea Park and Hampstead Heath. You can always try and do it on the quiet, but there is not a lot of fun in having to hide your fire away from prying eyes.

Most American’s moving to London will grill their meat at home and then take a picnic basket to one of the parks to enjoy a type of barbecue meal in the sun, but if you have a roof garden or communal area in your building you’ll be able to set up your barbecue and grill away to your heart’s content all summer!

If you’re looking for a traditional American style barbecue this summer then your best bet is to head to Bodean’s BBQ Restaurants. Started by a native of Kansas City who just couldn’t live without a barbecue pit, the legend of Bodean’s began. There are a number of American style eateries in London, but for ribs, steaks and authentic barbecue, Bodean’s is the place to visit. If you are determined to have an outdoor barbecue party in the park, then you can always stock up on the take out from Bodean’s and heat it up at home for your picnic.

Part of the experience of relocation to London is going to be making some adjustments to the way you’ve always done things ‘back home’. Change is right at the top of the list of things to do on your London relocation list and if you’re willing to take a chance on London, then London will show you everything she’s got.

They might not have BBQ in London but they don’t have Buck House back at home, and if you can approach moving to London with an open mind, you’ll find yourself barbecuing in the rain on your roof, and enjoying it!