How to Save Money on Food in London

Food in London
When it comes to food, London is one of the greatest cities in the world to try out different cuisines from around the globe. This, however, does not need to be treated solely as a luxury. Whether getting delicious food means going out to different restaurants or simply heading down to your local supermarket, there will always be a wide variety of different items of food to choose from. With that being said, what is the best way to fully enjoy these foods without depriving yourself as well as without damaging your bank account?
1. Take advantage of your local supermarkets
Two of the best supermarkets in London include M&S – a local favorite – and Waitrose. Here, you can purchase anything from ready-to-eat food already prepared for your convenience as well as fresh, healthy, and affordable ingredients to make some of your favorite dishes right at home. M&S also offers a whole lot more than just affordable, healthy food. Here, you may also purchase household items such as dining sets, clothing, flowers, and more. Again, all at an affordable price, it is sure to keep your wallet happy.
2. Order takeaway options
If you absolutely hate cooking and must eat out but do not want to put a strain on your wallet, you do not always have to go out to a fancy restaurant to have a nice meal. If you want a delicious meal delivered directly to your door, consider ordering takeaway, as this is a cheaper alternative to eating out every night.
3. If you simply must eat out, go to a pub!
While on the topic of going out, ditch the fancy restaurant for your local pub. Not only can you enjoy a refreshing drink to end your long day of work, you can also grab a quick bite to eat. In addition to this quick and easy option, pubs also offer a unique experience within themselves. One of the most well-known historic pubs is located just in the heart of Covet Garden and is worth the trip, that is, of course, if you find yourself to be a fan of Elvis. Yes, this is the famous pub where his signed napkin resigns. The pub known as The Cross Keys, actually one of the most distinctive places in Covent Garden, Is known for its delicious food, striking foliage, and, of course, the napkin signed by Elvis.
4. Never be afraid to ask for a doggy bag to take home
For some reason, someone is always too shy to ask to take their food home with them when they do not finish it at a restaurant. Never be one of those people. After all, you did pay for the meal, the full meal, that is. Therefore, you should be able to take it home and enjoy it later! In addition to this, it is always a waste to leave your food half-eaten at a restaurant, so please ask for the doggy bag and take it home with you.
5. Enjoy some street food
Believe it or not, some of London’s best food is cooked on the street. That’s right! London is also known for its variety of different street food markets and food halls and we are here to help you find a few of the best options, all for an affordable price point, too! With that being said, here are the top 4 street food restaurants you should check out tonight:
BBQ Dreamz
If you find yourself craving a gourmet, Filipino backyard barbecue, you would absolutely enjoy trying out BBQ Dreamz. Located at Kerb King’s Cross, Kerb West India Quay, and Brockley Market, you will find some of the most exciting flavors from foods such as sesame green bean salad, pulled pork buns, and more!
Lovely Bunch of Coconuts
You can find Lovely Bunch of Coconuts in Brockley Market as well as Kerb King’s Cross. You can find some delicious BBQ meat as well as a few vegan options that are just as satisfying. It is absolutely recommended that you try the vegan biryani when you have the chance.
Mike and Ollie
Yet another fan-favorite spot located in Brockley Market. Here, you can find some of the best handmade flatbreads. This does not even do the spot justice; therefore, you will have to come take a bite for yourself!
Burger Boy
If you are looking for the best burger in town, look no further than Burger Boy, located in the Street Food Union Soho. Their special is known to be the cheese and candy bacon burger. Trust me when I say you must try this out for yourself.
6. Invest in Recipe Boxes if you can
Recipe boxes have become the newest trend in the food market, but hey, they work, and the food is delicious! One of the most popular recipe boxes on the market right now is Hello Fresh. They are affordable, perfectly proportioned, and, well, delicious! No, we are not trying to sell you on this product, just throw out a few healthy, money-saving tips, especially for the typical busy Londoner on the go. It is important to keep in mind that recipe boxes are best suited for people who spend most of their nights eating at home. If you are one of those people who enjoys eating out every night, well, recipe boxes may not be the best way to spend your hard-earned cash as they may go bad sitting on top of your kitchen counter.
While there are, of course, plenty of other ways to save money on food in London, these are just a few simple and quick tips. These options are also best suited for people on the go, or more so, who do not have time to cook a five-star meal at home every night. With these options, you can enjoy a great meal without spending too much money.
Spend Less While Living In London Without Sacrificing The Lifestyle?
Darn, those Black Friday deals have left a serious dent in my bank account that is now going supernova because of all the quid I am burning through. The worst part? Christmas is only yet to come, and with it, all of the additional expenses on gifts and fun. A reputable london relocation agency can simplify the complex process of moving internationally.
What, oh, what shall I do?
Perhaps I should spend less by sacrificing certain elements of my lifestyle, even if for a while. No, I don’t think so. What’s the point of living in the best city in the world if not to harvest its delicious, though extremely commercial, fruits?
If you are anything like me, you too are looking for ways to cut a few corners while still sparing some extra quid for that night out on Friday, and today I am going to teach you a few handy tips and tricks. Use them all and you might actually pull it off – you will be living in one of the most expensive cities in the world without experiencing a constant need in money.
By the way, there already are countless guides on Oyster Card use, money-saving apps, and all that stuff that you’ve probably heard about hundreds of times, so I have tried to make this piece a little bit more creative. Hope you’ll discover something new from it!
Let’s deal with the tedious part of our journey straight away. You can save more simply by paying less, especially when it comes to your bills. Let’s take a look at what you have to cough up for electricity, water, and gas. Neither of those scheduled payments is too much of a big deal on its own, but – trust me on this one – they do stack up!
The easiest way to cut a few corners here would be to switch your provider to a less “greedy” company. Yes, you can do so at will. All it takes is a set of two documents – your banking details and information about the most recent payment. Feel free to check out all of the available rates on Switchcraft to make a well-informed decision.
Do note that this only works with gas and power bills but not with water. Oh, and you have to be the one paying for the service, not your landlord.
Alas, the same can’t be said about water. You can install a water meter if you feel like it but it will only save you a few pounds in the case that you are using less water than what is accounted for. This is a fine solution for those who live in a flat all by themselves (oh, the lucky bastards) and not so much in a shared flat or a family home.
Oh, and by the way, if you are the only adult living in a flat feel free to apply for Council tax reduction.
Reduced water, gas, electricity, and council tax bills will save you up to 1000 pounds annually. Not too shabby for pocket money out of thin air, eh?
By the way, the same goes for your internet and phone bills and subscriptions to any and all online services. Everything has a cheaper alternative nowadays. Everything.
I know you are probably exhausted after a long, hard day at work but so are many other Londoners. They won’t pull through with shopping in the evening, but you will. Why? Because of all those juicy red and bright yellow discount stickers. You’ll be able to get the best deals on top-quality foods in the evening, and you should do so.
Not too fond of cooking your meals? How about sushi, then? Many amazing places like Abokado or Itsu offer amazing deals on their wonderful rolls in the evening as well. You are starving, the place doesn’t want to throw perfectly good meals away simply because they’ll make new ones in the morning… Everybody wins. Except for, maybe, your diet?
There are also coupons and apps aimed at improving customer loyalty. Pick them up, use Groupon to check out all of the new amazing places for less, and be creative with what’s available online, and you will be sitting on a whole load of extra quid in no time.
Brexit the hell out of London
No, seriously, leave! No, not permanently (why would anyone do that?), but for a relatively short European shopping trip. You can get to practically any point on the globe in no time from London.
Given that you live in one of the most expensive cities in the world, the money you’ll invest in tickets and accommodation plus an out-of-this-world shopping experience may be less than what you would have otherwise paid in the Smoke.
Plan the trip in advance, book the tickets a bit earlier than you should, use the full power of the internet to compare the prices, and voila – you are now a smart and savvy international shopper. Plus you’ll get all the sightseeing in the world as a pleasant bonus. How awesome is that?
Your turn
Now it’s your turn. Please share the secrets you are using to save up in our beloved yet overly expensive all-you-can-eat buffet of a city! I’m sure the community would love to hear some “insider tips” from people who have been there and done that! Be the hero everybody deserves. It only takes a few seconds on Twitter, so why not?